ZOMBIE Weekend

October 12, 2024

Natural Springs Resort


The Spookiest Specialty....

ZOMBIE Apocalypse

What is it?

  • This course is to get you ready to survive...the Zombie Apocalypse (which honestly will happen sooner rather than later).

  • You will be working on buoyancy, search and recovery, rescue, and navigation skills

How much?

  • Specialty is $150, that includes materials AND PADI card

    • The DROP DEAD DATE for this specialty is SEPTEMBER 28


Underwater Pumpkin Carving

A fun event open to divers and non-divers. Test your creativity as you carve a pumpkin while it is underwater. This will be an all day event, just make sure to have your pumpkin ready by 3:00

What do I need to bring?

  • A pumpkin (they have great prices at Today's Harvest)

  • A cutting tool (Preferably a knife but any tool will)

Judging begins at 3:30


The Details:


Where to stay:

  • Golden Inn

  • Campsite

  • Hotels in Richmond, Indiana

  • At your house!

    • This is a 1 day event, so no need to stay, unless you want to dive the next day!

Time & Place:

  • Natural Springs Resort

  • Zombie Specialty class starts at 10:00am

    • Please be at the quarry around 15-20min early for check-in

  • We will be having chicken noodle soup for lunch…if you’d like to bring snacks and spooky themed treats would be great

What about after?

  • Saturday night we will be eating at PIZZA KING as a group dinner

  • Trick-or-Treating at Natural Springs (gates are shut, so please plan accordingly)

  • Haunted Houses