ZOMBIE Weekend
October 12, 2024
Natural Springs Resort
The Spookiest Specialty....
ZOMBIE Apocalypse
What is it?
This course is to get you ready to survive...the Zombie Apocalypse (which honestly will happen sooner rather than later).
You will be working on buoyancy, search and recovery, rescue, and navigation skills
How much?
Specialty is $150, that includes materials AND PADI card
The DROP DEAD DATE for this specialty is SEPTEMBER 28
Underwater Pumpkin Carving
A fun event open to divers and non-divers. Test your creativity as you carve a pumpkin while it is underwater. This will be an all day event, just make sure to have your pumpkin ready by 3:00
What do I need to bring?
A pumpkin (they have great prices at Today's Harvest)
A cutting tool (Preferably a knife but any tool will)
Judging begins at 3:30
The Details:
Where to stay:
Golden Inn
Hotels in Richmond, Indiana
At your house!
This is a 1 day event, so no need to stay, unless you want to dive the next day!
Time & Place:
Natural Springs Resort
Zombie Specialty class starts at 10:00am
Please be at the quarry around 15-20min early for check-in
We will be having chicken noodle soup for lunch…if you’d like to bring snacks and spooky themed treats would be great
What about after?
Saturday night we will be eating at PIZZA KING as a group dinner
Trick-or-Treating at Natural Springs (gates are shut, so please plan accordingly)
Haunted Houses